Where is the nearest airport?

Miyazaki Bougainvillea Airport.

How long does it take to get from Miyazaki Bougainvillea Airport to Aoshima?

The distance from the airport to Aoshima is approximately 10 km and takes 10-15 minutes by car or 30 minutes by bus or train.

Is it okay if I am not fluent in English?

The majority of the children are native English speakers, but you only need to be willing and motivated to speak English! All kids' camps are conducted in English, but bilingual staff are available to help if needed. We also have a Japanese-speaking staff member on the booking desk. Please inform us of the parents' and children's English level when you make an enquiry so that we can guide you smoothly.

How do I get from the airport to Aoshima?

There are several ways. You can rent a car from the airport, take a private taxi, train, bus, etc.

When should I arrive?

The summer camp starts at 9am every day. We recommend arriving the day before.

Do you have brothers and sisters discount?

Yes. Siblings receive a discount.
